art by Jackie Jones

Plant Oil Paintings

Jackie Jones Agave oil painting

plant oil Paintings

Giant agaves line the streets and granite paths throughout Austin. Spending countless hours slowly walking the neighborhoods with my children, the cool blues and sure footed growths of these plants have become a symbol of home.

The monstera leaf will stay alive once trimmed for months in a vase of water. Their giant stalks and resiliency in rapid growth are a wonder, and remind me of my childhood home in Houston after a torrential rain.

Oil on canvas 32 x 32”
Larger sizes available upon request. All artwork shown have been sold and are shown as references only. Oil paintings take up to 2 months to dry and even longer to properly cure. Please allow 4-6 months for your painting to be available for delivery.

At this time I am not taking requests for Commissions, but am always happy to schedule a studio appointment to show you what works I have in progress or from the archives.